简单粗暴 TensorFlow 2 | A Concise Handbook of TensorFlow 2

基于Keras和即时执行模式 | Based on Keras and Eager Execution

简体中文版 繁體中文版 English Version


这是一本简明的 TensorFlow 2 入门指导手册,基于 Keras 和即时执行模式(Eager Execution),力图让具备一定机器学习及 Python 基础的开发者们快速上手 TensorFlow 2。同时也是纸质版技术手册 《简明的 TensorFlow 2》 的部分草稿。

本手册的所有代码基于 TensorFlow 2.2 正式版。文中的所有示例代码可至 这里 获得。

本手册正于TensorFlow官方微信公众号(TensorFlow_official)连载,可点此查看 连载文章目录 。本手册的原始语言为简体中文,并有 繁体中文版英文版 。本手册是 Google Summer of Code 2019 项目之一,并获得 谷歌开源贡献奖(Google Open Source Peer Bonus)


GitHub: https://github.com/snowkylin/tensorflow-handbook

教程答疑区: https://discuss.tf.wiki

纸质完整版:《简明的 TensorFlow 2》

本书纸质版《简明的 TensorFlow 2》由人民邮电出版社(图灵社区)出版,在本在线手册的基础上进行了细致的编排校对,并增加了若干 TensorFlow 高级专题,全彩印刷,为读者带来更好的阅读体验。






English Version (in progress)

This is a concise handbook of TensorFlow 2.0 based on Keras and Eager Execution mode, aiming to help developers with some basic machine learning and Python knowledge to get started with TensorFlow 2.0 quickly.

The code of this handbook is based on TensorFlow 2.0 stable version and beta1 version. All sample code in this handbook can be viewed here .

The English version of this handbook is still in progress (section title with a ✔️ means that the translation of this section is finished). Please refer to https://v1.tf.wiki for the eariler version. This handbook is a project of Google Summer of Code 2019 .

GitHub: https://github.com/snowkylin/tensorflow-handbook

Q&A: https://discuss.tf.wiki


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